Afiqah Yusof, 18.
IG; afiqah.y
Twitter; afiqahyusof_

Here's where I membebel about things you're not interested in.


Oh! -_____-
Monday, February 14, 2011 @ 4:50 PM


Just got back from school. Oh, its 4:39 PM now. So, takde lah JUST GOT BACK sangat kan. Just got back from school 3 hours ago tadi sebenarnya. So apa lagi. Story bout school pagi tadi ah kan. Have I told you yet that Ive already knw whts my result for Ujian Diagnostik last months? Kay, im not gonna tell you here. Malu lah kan. Teruk, dah kata kelas pun kelas pandai (",). 

Now im gonna shout out louder that tomorrow was holiday. Because of Maulidul Rasul =) End of valentines, guys. Haram kalau sambut. 

So, tomorrow is holiday, like i told you 2 seconds ago. And I ask Wawa , Nuha and Shahz to slept at my house today, until tomorrow, Al maklung lah, ambil chance waktu cuti ni. Nanti mana ada lagi dah cuticuti ni. Tunggu disember. Alahai, UPSR lagi. Please gimme tissues.


No one is allowed. Sedih kan. Wawa sebab Sabtu lepas dah datang. Nuha, takda transport nak balik Selasa nanti. Parents dia kat Jakarta. Oh and, nenek dia also doesnt allow her to slept here. Parents takda katakan..... Shahz, baru balik rumah Amelyn, nak tidur rumah kawan lain. Amboi, cantik muka? Haha, her mom doesnt allow her though. Kesian. But Wawa did came here. Cuma tak tidur. She's here infront of me now. Duk layan comp. Im using laptop. Kak Fatin's laptop =)

Jadi esok membosangkan diri je lah. Homework? Ive done it just now. Entah rasa rajin sangat nak menipu dekat blog. Well, im just online-ingg. And watching the same videos of Anwar Hadi many times repeated. Oh, Maria Elena pun. Rasa best tengok. Cuma Wawa cakap bosan? Entah lerrrr. Citarasa dia lain, mungkin?

Guys, I is home alone with Wawa here. Waiting for somebody, nak webcam. Entah takda sapa nak on. Haish, bye.