Afiqah Yusof, 18.
IG; afiqah.y
Twitter; afiqahyusof_

Here's where I membebel about things you're not interested in.


Oh! Boys -.-'
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @ 10:14 PM

Faiq called me and he asked me an anoyying question.

"Kau laki ke perempuan?"

"Perempuan ah,"


Can you understand what he is trying to say? Ignore about tht. They're making me anoyyed. EEEEW EEEEW EEEW. Er, 

Im chatting with my mom on facebook and its sound liddis,

"ibu, nak topup."

"boleh... boleh blah"

" :( :( tadi kak naj bagi fiqah topup 5 ringgit"

"cukup la tu"

"tak cukup"

"mintak kt kak sayang. tadi fiqah tlg kak sayang kan"

"pulak dah.. ibuuu niiii"

"ok bye"


Im laughing alone infront of the computer when the words "ok bye" was type-ed by my mom! *sombong nya mak aku* k, bye.